Haircare Detox Challenge (FB)

Ready to elimate harsh detergents and toxic chemicals from your haircare routine?  

 We’re guessing the answer is YES… but we also know that it’s not as easy as it sounds!

Join the free Haircare Detox Challenge people can't stop raving about!

Stop being mislead by false marketing claims and damaging DIY recipes and really get to know what's in the products you use. 

Yes, I want to join!

"This is the best thing I have done this year! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"  

Trudie, Australia 

 Our team of experts are ready to help you: 

  • Identify and eliminate toxic chemicals and harsh detergents from your haircare
  • Learn to read a cosmetic label so you can check your products really are natural
  • Discover the easiest and most affordable way to switch to truly natural and organic products.  
  • Take back the power to look after your health and wellbeing.  

"It was so much more than I expected and just the lift I needed. THANK YOU School of Natural Skincare for a wonderful week. I have been excited to wake up each day and open my emails to find out what the days information and task is!" 

Sally, UK

"This is the best thing I have done this year! Seriously, I have been leaning towards safer, animal friendly products for some time now and this free mini course was just perfect - it is so helpful! I have now got a library of recource links at my fingertips and have learned so much about ingredients - thank you, thank you, thank you!" 

Trudie, Australia

"It's actually been like a little mini college course, it's been fab!!! It has made me realise just how much I and many other people bury our heads in the sand. But no more, this is a new start for me. Whichever products I now choose to buy for me and my family, they will be as natural as I can get and this is all thanks to the School of Natural Skincare!!! You have opened my eyes so much and I will be ever grateful. " 

Helen, UK 

"It was a whole week of relevant activities, resources and tutor support. Information can be self learnt from the internet. But with a tutor, it has twice the value. I sought knowledge and The School of Natural Skincare gave me a wealth load of it." 

Surya, India